Evaluation by External Parties
Inclusion in SRI Indices and Ratings
Seiko Epson Corporation has been rated highly by ESG assessment organizations around the world. The company has been selected as a constituent of all ESG Japanese stock indices adopted by the Government Pension Investment Fund (June 2024).
FTSE4Good Index Series
Seiko Epson Corporation was selected for inclusion in the FTSE4Good Index Series, a responsible investment (RI) index of FTSE Russell, a subsidiary of London Stock Exchange Group, for the 20th consecutive year since 2004. Ever since Seiko Epson was selected by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), FTSE Russell has continuously included the company in the FTSE Blossom Japan Index (since July 2017) and the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index (April 2022), which are composed primarily of Japanese companies whose environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices meet global standards. (June 2024)

MSCI ESG Indexes
MSCI ESG Ratings is a global ESG investment index provided by U.S.-based MSCI. MSCI researches and analyzes how well companies manage environmental, social, and governance risks. It then assigns the companies one of seven ratings ranging from AAA (leader) to CCC (laggard). In March 2024, Seiko Epson received a AAA rating. In addition, since being adopted by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), Seiko Epson has been a constituent of the MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (since July 2017), which is composed primarily of companies with high gender diversity compared to their peers in the industry, and the MSCI Nihonkabu ESG Select Leaders index (March 2024), which is composed primarily of companies with high ESG ratings compared to their peers in the industry. (June 2024)

Disclaimer statement
The S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index
Created by the Japan Exchange Group and U.S.-based S&P Dow Jones Indices, this index is composed chiefly of companies that sufficiently disclose their environmental information and companies that demonstrate high carbon efficiency (carbon emissions per unit of revenue). Seiko Epson has continuously been included in the index since its establishment in September 2018 and since its adoption at the same time by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF). (June 2024)

Morningstar Japan Ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt Index
This Index is composed primarily of companies that have embedded gender diversity policies into their corporate culture and that are committed to providing all employees, regardless of gender, with equal opportunities. Morningstar Indexes of the U.S. selects companies using data and evaluation methodology provided by Equileap. Seiko Epson has continuously been included in the index since it was adopted by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) in March 2023. (December 2024)
Disclaimer statement

The Sompo Sustainability Index
Seiko Epson was selected by Sompo Asset Management Co., Ltd. (Japan), as a constituent of one of the Sompo Sustainability Index for the 12th consecutive year.
The index is used in SRI (socially responsible investment) fund for pension funds or institutional investors to invest widely in companies with the high ESG (environment, society, governance) evaluation ratings. (July 2024)

ISS ESG Corporate Rating
Seiko Epson Corporation has earned Prime status from ISS ESG, an ESG investment solutions business unit of the world's leading proxy advisory firm, Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS) of the United States. (As of September 2024)

Epson on CDP A List for Tackling Climate Change and Protecting Water Security
Seiko Epson has been placed for the prestigious corporate sustainability A list by the globally influential environmental non-profit CDP for leadership in tackling climate change and water security.
(February 2024)

Received EcoVadis Platinum Rating for Overall Sustainability
Seiko Epson Corporation has been awarded a Platinum rating for overall sustainability by independent platform EcoVadis (France). Epson is in the top 1% of companies rated by EcoVadis in the Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment industry. (September 2024)
Multiple Epson Sites Earn RBA Platinum or Gold Recognition under the RBA's Validated Assessment Program
Seiko Epson Corporation strives to improve its CSR by having its main production sites voluntarily and systematically undergo Validated Assessment Program (VAP) assessments*1 of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), which is dedicated to responsible business conduct in global supply chains.
In VAP assessments, independent, third-party firms approved by the RBA assess, and score manufacturing facilities based on their conformance with the RBA Code of Conduct in the areas of labor, health and safety, the environment, and ethics. To date, Epson production sites in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, China and Philippines have earned Platinum, the highest rating. Platinum is reserved for factories that have closed all findings and received a full score of 200.
*1 For more information on RBA VAP assessments, please click here.

Epson sites that currently hold Platinum and Gold status
Site name | Main Products Manufactured | Recognition | Expiration Date |
(Country) | (Score) | ||
PT. Indonesia Epson Industry | Inkjet printers, large format printers, small printers, impact dot matrix printers | Platinum | February 28, 2026 |
(Indonesia) | (200) | ||
Epson Precision Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. | Timing devices | Platinum | December 22, 2025 |
(Malysia) | (200) | ||
Epson Precision (Philippines), Inc. | 3LCD projectors, Inkjet printers | Platinum | October 16, 2025 |
(Philippines) | (200) | ||
PT. Epson Batam | Inkjet printer ink cartridges and ink bottles, scanners | Platinum | March 16, 2025 |
(Indonesia) | (200) | ||
Epson Engineering (Shenzhen) Ltd. | Inkjet printers, large format printers, 3LCD projectors, industrial robots | Gold | December 7, 2024 |
(China) | (196.5) |
Related Information
Recognized under the Health & Productivity Stock Selection Program for the 3rd Consecutive Year
Seiko Epson Corporation was recognized for the third consecutive year as an outstanding enterprise under the Health and Productivity Stock Selection Program by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). The program was created to encourage enterprises to step up their efforts to manage employee health and productivity. Seiko Epson received high scores in all four areas of health and productivity management: management philosophy and policy, organization, program and action implementation, and evaluation and improvement. (March 2024)

SBTi Approved Epson's GHG Reduction Targets
Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has approved Epson's global greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. SBTi recognized Epson's targets as being science-based and in line with keeping a global temperature rise this century to well below 2 degrees Celsius, a central aim of the Paris Agreement. (November 2018)

Earned the Highest (Grade 3) Eruboshi
In 2016, the Japanese Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare granted Seiko Epson the top "Eruboshi" mark in recognition of its efforts to promote the active participation and advancement of women in the workplace. (July 2016)

Earned Platinum Kurumin Certification
As a result of Epson's efforts to establish a friendly workplace environment, we were awarded use of the so-called Kurumin symbol from 2007 and the Platinum Kurumin symbol in 2016. Use of these symbols is awarded by the Japanese Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare to companies that implement policies that support employees who are raising families, in accordance with the Act on Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation. (May 2016)

Recognized with the Energy Conservation Grand Prize (Best Practice Category)
Seiko Epson received the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Commissioner's Award (Best Practice Category / Support & Service Sector) for its energy-saving initiatives at the Suwa Minami Plant (Nagano) under the fiscal 2024 Grand Prize for Excellence in Energy Efficiency and Conservation awards program organized by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan. (December 2024)

Epson Wins Silver at ESG Finance Awards Japan
Epson won the Silver Award in the Environmentally Sustainable Company category of the fifth ESG Finance Awards Japan organized by the Ministry of the Environment. The ESG Finance Awards recognize progressive, exemplary initiatives driven by investors, financial institutions, financial services providers, and companies that have made an impact by actively engaging in ESG financing or environmental and social enterprises with the goal of encouraging the spread and expansion of ESG financing. (February 2024)

Selected as a Winner Company of Corporate Governance of the Year 2023
Epson was selected as a Winner Company of Corporate Governance of the Year 2023 by Japan Association of Corporate Directors.
The awards go to the companies which have achieved and maintained long term profitability by implementing good corporate governance with the goal of revitalizing the Japanese economy, since 2015. (January 2024)

Recognized with the Energy Conservation Grand Prize (Product & Business Model Category)
Seiko Epson received the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Commissioner's Award (Product & Business Model Category) for LM-C6000/C5000/C4000 of high-speed linehead inkjet multifunction printers under the fiscal 2023 Grand Prize for Excellence in Energy Efficiency and Conservation awards program organized by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan. (December 2023)

Recognized for for Sustainable Procurement
Epson’s sustainable procurement program aimed at ensuring a responsible supply chain were recognized with the Grand Prize, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award at the 24th Green Purchasing Awards. The Green Purchasing Awards program, organized by the Green Purchasing Network, recognizes initiatives that contribute to the expansion of green markets and the achievement of SDG targets through sustainable procurement. (December 2023)

Epson Wins Two 2023 Nippon Packaging Contest Awards
At the 2023 Japan Packaging Contest organized by the Japan Packaging Institute, Epson was recognized with the President of Japan Productivity Center for Socio-Economic Development Award of Japan Star Awards and a Gift Packaging Award of Packaging Category Awards for packages that contribute to closed-loop recycling by employing Epson's unique Dry Fiber Technology. (August 2023)
Epson Wins Bronze at New Energy Award 2022
Epson has received the New Energy Foundation Chairman's Award (Bronze Award) for Community Coexistence in New Energy Award 2022 organized by the New Energy Foundation. The organizers recognized Epson for its efforts to accelerate the development of renewable electiricity sources in partnership with the Nagano Prefectural Enterprise Bureau and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Company, Incorporated. (February 2023)

Environmental Value Award at the 3rd Annual Nikkei SDGs Management Grand Prix
Seiko Epson won the Environmental Value Award at the 3rd Annual Nikkei SDGs Management Grand Prix organized by Nikkei Inc. The reward was granted in recognition of the company's efforts to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and, increasingly important, those of its business partners, as well as for its support for the TCFD recommendations and disclosure of emissions information in securities reports, and its ambitious targets for introducing renewable electricity. (November 2021)

Epson Korea Wins the ESG Grand Prize at the Chosun CSR Awards
Epson Korea Ltd., Co., won the ESG Grand Prize for the third consecutive year at the Chosun Corporate Social Responsibility Awards. These prestigious awards are operated by Chosun Media and sponsored by multiple ministries within the Korean government. EKL was recognized primarily for "Details for Tomorrow," a campaign that promotes social value with power-saving inkjet printers and ultra-short throw projectors that help to narrow the education gap through distance learning, as well as for its sustainability and ESG reporting. Reviewers analyzed and evaluated approximately 713 companies in South Korea by looking at their ESG, SDG, CSR, and environmental reports for the past three years. Epson was one of the 7 winners in the ESG award category. (April 2021)

Received Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award at the 29th Grand Prize for Global Environment Awards
Seiko Epson won the Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award at the 29th Grand Prize for Global Environment Awards. The award recognizes Epson's inkjet innovation efforts to minimize environmental impact. (February 2020)

Winner of the METI Minister's Prize
Akita Epson Corporation received the METI Minister's Prize at the eighth Monodzukuri Grand Awards for its role in helping to develop, in partnership with the Akita University Graduate School of Medicine, Akita University Hospital, and the Akita Industrial Technology Center, the world's first rapid cancer diagnosis support system using AC electric field mixing. (January 2020)

The Fantas Aquarium won the Global Corporate Sustainability Best Practice Award
The Fantas Aquarium won the Global Corporate Sustainability Best Practice Award at the Global Corporate Sustainability Forum, which is sponsored by the Alliance for Sustainable Developments Goals, an organization made up of groups from Taiwan's industry, government, academia and NGOs. (November 2019)

Recognized for Excellence in Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Seiko Epson has been awarded the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Director-General's Award for Epson's LX-10000F series and LX-7000F series of high-speed linehead inkjet multifunction printers sold in Japan. This award, which was part of the FY2018 Grand Prize for Excellence in Energy Efficiency and Conservation awards program, was sponsored by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan, with support from the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. (January 2019)

Received the first EcoPro Award (METI Minister Award)
Epson's PaperLab A-8000 dry-process office papermaking system has been awarded the first EcoPro Award (Economy, Trade and Industry Minister's Prize) by Japan Environment Management Association for Industry. (September 2018)

Received PEZA Outstanding Environmental Performance Award
Epson Precision (Philippines), Inc. received its 3rd PEZA2 Outstanding Environmental Performance award. This award recognizes the efforts of companies for sustained compliance and innovative systems for the period of 3 years (2016-2018) as they strive for continuous improvement in environmental management. (May 2019)
2 Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA)
Received the PROPER Rating
PT. Epson Batam, which is the one of Epson's manufacturing plants in Indonesia, received the Green PROPER rating from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia. Additionally, PT. Indonesia Epson Industry received the Blue PROPER rating. (2018-2019)
Received the JAPAN OEKO-TEX® AWARD 2017 OEKO-TEX® Association
Seiko Epson received the JAPAN OEKO-TEX® AWARD 2017 OEKO-TEX® Association prize. OEKO-TEX® is a worldwide certification system that certifies that textiles and related products are free of substances that are harmful to the human body. (2017)