Environmental Value

Epson engages in environmental initiatives focused on issues such as forest and water quality conservation to preserve biodiversity, reduction of underground resource use, and environmental education.
Forest and Water Quality Conservation (Biodiversity)
Epson believes that preserving biodiversity is also vital to maintaining our business activities and our employees' lifestyles. Basically, we look to preserve biodiversity throughout our business activities and to raise employee awareness of its importance.
Biodiversity Conservation

Future Generation Education (Environment)
Donations of Notebooks Made of PaperLab Recycled Paper (Japan)
Seiko Epson has been donating notebooks to elementary and junior high schools since FY2022. The notebooks are made from paper that was used within Epson and recycled using PaperLab dry-process office papermaking systems, which apply Epson’s unique Dry Fiber Technology. A total of 100,000 notebooks were donated to schools in 29 municipalities by the end of July 2024. Epson’s forest conservation initiatives and PaperLab systems are introduced in the notebooks, providing opportunities to teach children that paper recycling can contribute to the SDGs in environmental education.

We also provide lecturers and accept student trainees when asked to by schools and communities.