Health and Productivity Management
- Health Management at Epson
- Health Management Objectives and Organization
- The "Health Action 2025" Health Management Policy
- Other Initiatives
Health Management at Epson
Epson considers the health of all people in the Epson Group to be our top priority. We are thus working to create an enjoyable and dynamic workplace environment to ensure their physical and mental well-being in line with Epson’s Purpose Statement, the Epson Way, the Epson Group’s Basic Occupational Health and Safety Policy, and the Epson Group Health and Productivity Management Declaration.
In April 2020, the president of SEC made free and open communication, enjoyment of work, and changes in the organizational climate priorities. In conjunction with this, Epson publicly committed to the Health and Productivity Management Declaration.
In April 2024, Epson partially revised the Health and Productivity Management Declaration to clearly state that our health management programs are for all Epson Group contributors and not just our own employees. In June, we also established English and Chinese translations of the Declaration and are rolling it out globally to 62 of our overseas sites (as of March 31, 2024). Occupational health laws and regulations may differ from country to country and region to region, but our efforts to ensure a healthy organizational climate and employee happiness do not change. Our overseas affiliates will manage health in line with their local laws and culture and will strive to support continuous improvement in health through initiatives tailored to prevailing conditions. In this way, we are reiterating our commitment to promoting the health and well-being of everyone in the global Epson Group and to achieving our corporate aspiration of achieving sustainability and enriching communities.
Health and Productivity Management Declaration
At Epson, we consider the health of all people in the Epson Group to be our top priority.
We therefore take a proactive, participatory approach to creating a rewarding, dynamic, and engaging workplace environment and promoting physical and mental wellness for all.
Our goal is for all Epson Group contributors to feel energized, produce results that surprise and delight, and make the world a better place.
People: Top management, employees, contractors, temporary workers, and other workers who do work activities and are under the control of the company.
Yasunori Ogawa
President and CEO
Seiko Epson Corporation
Health and Productivity Management Declaration(Japanes) (PDF,164KB)
Health and Productivity Management Declaration(Chinese) (PDF,76KB)
Health Management Objectives and Organization
Health Management Goals
The goals of health management are employee happiness and contributions to society. We want all who work at the Epson Group to enjoy a dynamic workplace and to feel that their job is worthwhile and rewarding, with the result that even more societal issues get resolved. We believe that this will lead in turn to achieving sustainability and enriching communities.
We recognize that this will require each individual to engage in health practices that suit their needs and situation, which may change as different work arrangements are introduced and the workplace environment evolves. Our efforts are thus being directed toward the self-management of mental and physical health and fostering a positive, healthy workplace climate.
Seiko Epson created an integrated Human Capital & Well-Being Management Division under the president, who holds the ultimate responsibility for health management, to drive the Group’s unique health initiatives forward. The Representative Director and General Administrative Manager of the division is responsible for overseeing all health management initiatives. As an Executive Officer, this individual participates in the Corporate Management Council and serves as the Chair of the Health Insurance Association.
In Japan, we are executing a mid-term health plan in cooperation with relevant departments, business sites, and affiliated companies. A Health and Productivity Management Committee, which is jointly run by the company and the health insurance association, is responsible for analyzing health and productivity-related data and for establishing, evaluating, and improving health-related measures and policies. Health promotion committees, led by employees and involving the company and health insurance association, meet regularly to coordinate activities.

Epson Group companies overseas began implementing initiatives to maintain and improve employee health at the start of the 2024 fiscal year. The initiatives are tailored to the specific needs of each company and are aligned with the local culture and occupational health laws and regulations. In June 2024, we introduced the Health and Productivity Management Declaration globally and are collaborating with our overseas sites to promote certain unified actions Group-wide.
- See the following links for more information about actions being carried out with the Human Capital & Well-Being Management Division:
Epson Group Basic Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Occupational health and safety
Diversification of work arrangements (working hours, child and elder caregiving, etc.)
The "Health Action 2025" Health Management Policy
Health Action 2025
Epson has been establishing and regularly updating mid-range health plans since 2001. The latest is Health Action 2025, which we established in 2022.
Significant changes are happening in the workplace. More diverse work arrangements are being introduced and the workforce is aging. To adapt to these changes, we believe employees need to understand the state of their own health and to work toward personal wellness. We are working on two important areas. One is mental and physical health, where we are looking to foster autonomy and strike a harmonious balance between work and health. The other is workplace health1, where we aim to ensure safety and foster an organizational climate in which teams work in an enjoyable and dynamic manner. Health Action 2025 programs are being carried out under the slogan "Notice, learn, act, and acknowledge."
1 Epson has used the term "workplace health" since FY2016. It is based on the World Health Organization’s definition of health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being" but also incorporates the idea of health and productivity management, which has elements of both mental and physical well-being coupled with how we work. It is creating a safe, dynamic, communicative workplace in which everyone feels energized and enjoys job satisfaction.

Key areas
We have a duty as a company to provide a safe working environment and have safety programs geared toward this. But we also have programs to address mental and physical health1 and workplace health2. These programs are designed to deal with changes that could impact health, such as new work arrangements and an aging workforce.

In the midst of diversifying work arrangements and changing employee demographics, we anticipate major changes in things such as lifestyle and communication methods. These changes have the potential to improve work-life balance, but they could also adversely impact health. To adapt to these changes, it will be more important than ever for employees to understand themselves and to work toward personal wellness. On top of this, workplaces must embrace diversity and foster relationships where there is mutual acknowledgement and respect.
Therefore, to translate the intent of the policies under Health Action 2025 into action, we added “acknowledge” to the key words “notice, learn, act” to emphasize the importance of mutual respect and cooperation.

Objective and targets

Promote the self-management of mental and physical health and achieve a balance between work and health among all employees.

Pay sufficient attention to safety to prevent impairment of health due to work or the work environment.
Develop a vibrant workplace climate where there is good teamwork.

Click on the links below to see the Epson Group’s health and productivity management strategy map, as well as the targets and achievement during the second year under Health Action 2025.
Epson Group Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map (PDF, 77KB)
Results of Health Action 2025 Initiatives (FY2023) (PDF, 245KB)
Results of Health Management Initiatives (FY2023) (PDF, 437KB)
Health-Related Data Analysis
We have established a health information analysis platform that integrates and visualizes the health information held separately by the company and the health insurance association. Our focus is on maintaining a cycle of health management by collaborating with outside professional services to swiftly identify and address health issues affecting employees and the workplace.
Recognized under the Health & Productivity Stock Selection Program for the 4th Consecutive Year
In March 2025, Epson was recognized under the Health & Productivity Stock Selection Program for the fourth consecutive year.
The Health and Productivity Management Stock program was launched jointly by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The program selects publicly traded companies that pursue strategic health management initiatives to promote the health of employees and other personnel from a management perspective. By highlighting companies that are attractive for investors who prioritize long-term improvement in corporate value, the program seeks to encourage companies to engage in health management efforts.
Epson received high scores in all four areas of health and productivity management: management philosophy and policy, organization, program and action implementation, and evaluation and improvement. As a result of its ongoing efforts, Epson has also been certified for nine consecutive years under the Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (White 500), which was started in 2017 by METI and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi as a way to recognize companies that practice excellent health and productivity management.

Mental and Physical Health
Increasing health literacy
We provide various education and training courses as part of our mental and physical health and workplace health initiatives. These courses are tailored to different echelons and roles within the organization and are designed to encourage people to manage their own health.
In the area of mental and physical health, the courses focus on key topics such as stress management, healthy lifestyle habits, and weight management. They are offered primarily online to accommodate diverse working arrangements.
In the area of workplace health, we conduct self-care education courses focused on fostering a healthy workplace climate. The courses are mainly provided online, but some also combine online study with face-to-face workshops.
In FY2023, we provided an online course in body weight management for all personnel. (The completion rate was 88.2%.) In FY2024, we plan to offer online courses in sleep, cancer, and communication. We also provide self-care education tailored to different age groups from the time people join the company.
Wellness activities
The health promotion committees at our various sites have been operating since the 1990s based on THP (Total Health Promotion Plan) guidelines to maintain and improve health and to revitalize and energize the workplace. These committees have been set up at each business site to give employees themselves an avenue to develop and implement wellness activities through cooperation among management, the union, and the health insurance association.
Training sessions for committee members were held separately at the start of the fiscal year at each of the 15 sites. However, beginning in FY2024, we held a single training session online simultaneously. To foster a sense of company-wide unity and to ensure a certain level of knowledge, messages from management were sent to the health promotion committees, roles were clarified, and education was provided. The FY2024 session was attended by 285 people, both on-site and online.

・Well-being Activities Created By Employees Themselves
The health promotion committees select health issues at their sites and organize events that help to address them in a way that people enjoy. For example, there are events for measuring body composition, events that encourage people to get on a regular exercise program, lectures on nutrition to improve dietary habits, and sleep seminars. Some of the more unique events meant to encourage regular exercise include a photo contest in which people post the best photo of something they found on a walk and a quiz in which people look for answers that can be found along a walking course.

・Company-wide events to promote health Walking events
Walking events have been held annually since FY2021 with the health insurance association. Employees can participate as individuals or as members of a team. Awards and incentives are provided based on site participation and achievement rates. Participation has been increasing with each iteration, contributing to the establishment of a regular exercise routine, mental and physical refreshment, and improved workplace communication.

・Events to improve eating habits
Epson and the co-op have been partnering since 2019 to promote dietary health. As part of this program, they arranged to offer vegetable-rich, lower-sodium soups at all Epson Group cafeterias in Japan during the months of October and January of fiscal 2023. These menu choices help to encourage employees to improve their eating habits.

Individual support
The Health Management Offices at Seiko Epson sites have medical professionals, including occupational physicians and nurses, who are available to provide counseling. Communication is emphasized, and employees are encouraged to seek counseling and mental and physical health support whenever they feel the need. Particular emphasis is placed on getting employees who show signs of potential cardiovascular or brain disease at the annual physical checkup to seek medical care to prevent the progression of symptoms. Furthermore, supervisors, HR, occupational physicians, and others collaborate to provide personalized support to enable individuals who are receiving treatment to continue to work in good health.
Meanwhile, we have employee counseling offices staffed by industrial counselors who provide both mental health and career counseling.
Cancer screening
Epson and the health insurance association work together to provide cancer screening at the annual physical.
They help build awareness and increase the cancer screening rate and follow-up testing by distributing informational materials and encouraging symptomatic individuals to seek further testing.
Workplace Health
Mental health and wellness programs
In the area of mental health and wellness, employees whose mental health issues have caused them to take time off from their jobs can benefit from our back-to-work program. The program has helped smooth the transition back to the workplace and prevent relapses. We have strengthened our efforts to review what led each individual to take a leave of absence when they return to work and have been successful in reducing repeats. Medical professionals and industrial counselors come together to consider how to respond as a team, and they work closely with the individual’s primary care physician, manager or supervisor, and human resources department to provide better support. Apart from this, individuals whose stress check scores indicate that they are highly stressed are encouraged to speak with a physician. Those who do not wish to do so are encouraged to come in for counseling with a member of the occupational health staff. Moreover, we educate managers, supervisors, and leaders regarding mental health by providing online courses and group training seminars. These are designed to enable them to better foster a healthy, vibrant workplace climate.
Workplace environment improvement activities (sharing of good practices & support for improving high-risk workplaces)
To avert work-related mental health issues, we conduct stress checks to assess the situation in each department and provide support to relieve stress in collaboration with senior management.
We began providing workplaces with feedback on analysis results in 2017 with the goal of further enhancing workplace support. The main actions that started from 2020 were the use of workplace improvement sheets and the facilitation of discussions.

We continue to provide traditional workplace support because we are seeing the average overall health risk across the company decrease. On the other hand, the percentage of high-risk workplaces has stopped declining, so we continue to provide workplace support while also enhancing training for managers and supervisors to prevent further increases.
Measures to prevent the spread of infectious disease
・Common infectious diseases
In March 2024, we provided an online course on infection prevention in the workplace. When designing the course, which was completed by 90.3% of the workforce, we used the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic to teach personnel how to avoid becoming infected and how to avoid infecting others.
・Emerging infectious diseases
To eliminate Epson Group plant closures caused by outbreaks of disease, we have been taking action to ensure that our people are alert to infectious diseases and that they practice measures to prevent their spread in the workplace. Epson views infectious diseases as a major risk affecting its global corporate activities. We are advancing efforts across the global Epson Group to keep employees safe, minimize damage, and ensure business continuity. These efforts include formulating regionally tailored business continuity plans (BCP) to control risks in the event of an outbreak of emerging infectious disease, conducting contingency drills, and stockpiling of epidemic prevention supplies.
Other Initiatives
Support for Japanese Employees Working Overseas
We have set up a global health support desk to provide consultation services and health-related information to Epson employees from Japan who are working overseas.
Prior to assignment, our occupational physician responsible for overseas provides information and education on three major infectious diseases (HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis).
To reduce mental and physical health risks associated with overseas assignments, the physician interviews expats when they temporarily return to Japan during the first three to six months after assignment. In addition, individual interviews are conducted online within the first year of the assignment.
Expats are provided with the same level of health-related support health as our employees in Japan. We regularly send them health-related information, conduct physical and mental health assessments, provide follow-up, and post information on the company intranet.
Support for Women’s Health Issues
Counseling services
Epson aims to create a work environment where employees can work comfortably together, regardless of gender. We offer counseling and support for health issues related to childbirth, childcare, menopause, and more. Support is available not only to the employees themselves but also to their supervisors and coworkers.
Education programs
・The company provides education on women's health issues at various echelon-based seminars.
・The Human Resources Department, the DE&I Strategic Promotion Department, and other related departments are working together to explore additional initiatives and programs.
Training in Life-Saving Procedures
There have been incidents in the past in which individuals have suffered cardiopulmonary arrest at Epson sites. In view of this, Epson began to spread awareness of emergency procedures at Group companies in Japan so that we can provide the best first aid and life-saving treatment if we should ever be present when someone suffers such an event.
Executives and other personnel have been given online and hands-on training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs). As of the end of June 2024, over 17,000, people took the courses.
Initiatives Involving External Partners
We consider the self-management of physical and mental health to be relevant to everyone who works at Epson sites, so we invite external partners who work on our sites in Japan to participate in health literacy education and company-wide walking events. The company-wide walking events that we organize not only create an impetus for physical activity but also promote communication among participants and within the workplace.
Promoting Broader Health Management Activities
As part of our efforts to promote employee health, we respond to surveys requested by other companies, contribute articles to health-related magazines, provide information about Epson’s health management initiatives, and organize inter-company networking events.
We also presented the results of our analysis from the perspective of positive mental health at the 97th Japan Society for Occupational Health at the conference and provided information on our activities.