Practice of sustainability management

Epson has been helping to solve societal issues through its products and services. Going forward, we at Epson will continue to work to fulfill our social responsibility and create shared value in order to achieve sustainability and enrich communities together with our customers and partners from a long-term perspective based on our Management Philosophy.


The Management Philosophy, Principles of Corporate Behavior, and Sustainability Initiatives

Epson will fulfill its social responsibilities through independent action and continuous improvement in accordance with the following principles of conduct, based on its Management Philosophy, EXCEED YOUR VISION, and the underlying spirit of "Sincerity and Effort" and "Creativity and Challenge" that the company has valued since its founding.

Sustainability-Related Norms That Epson Honors

Epson complies with the laws and regulations in the countries and regions in which it operates and regularly updates Principles of Corporate Behavior to align it with the internationally recognized codes listed below to help ensure that our conduct meets societal expectations.

  • The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
  • Keidanren Charter of Corporate Behavior
  • ILO Core Labor Standards
  • Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct
  • ISO 26000

Promotion Organization

Epson established the Sustainability Promotion Office as an organization that reports directly to the president. The executive officer who was appointed to head the office has the responsibility and authority for sustainability activities across the entire Epson Group.

In addition, we have established the Sustainability Strategy Council as an advisory body to the President, which is composed of Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Committee Members, in addition to management-level personnel including the General Administrative Managers and Chief Operating Officers. The Sustainability Strategy Council formulates medium and long-term strategies for sustainability pertaining to the entire Group based on a review of social trends, reviews the status of implementation of activities, and deliberates on initiatives to address key issues.
Furthermore, the Sustainability Management Committee has been established as a subordinate body of the Sustainability Strategy Council to discuss and examine specialized matters related to sustainability activities. This committee is composed of the heads of relevant functional supervisory departments, and submits reports to the Sustainability Strategy Council.

Exective organizations chart

Action items

Main Topics Discussed by the Sustainability Strategy Council

Fiscal Year (Meetings hold) Main Topic of Discussion

・Review of the effect of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

・Discussion of FY22 results and FY23 targets for key sustainability topic KPIs

・Annual review of sustainability communication activities

・Discussion of FY23 plans

・Review of CSV activity implementation

・Review of RBA activity implementation

・Review of CSR procurement implementation, etc.