NGO/NPO, International Organizations

- Social support for sustainability (value sharing) -
Tonga / JICA: Using banana paper (turning waste into a valuable resource)
Epson was impressed with a program to deliver original picture books that was planned by the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and offered to use its Micro Piezo inkjet technology to print and bind the books free of charge. The books, which were distributed to schools in Tonga in early July through the JICA and the Embassy of Tonga, will be used to educate children about the SDGs. In addition, 1% of the paper purchase price will be donated to an environmental protection organization through the supplier of the banana paper used for the picture book.
Cooperating Partners
- JICA Komagane Training Center, Tonga volunteers
- Embassy of Tonga
- One Planet Café
- Epson Mizube Corporation
- Seiko Epson Corporation
Form of Involvement
- Produce original Tongan picture books from an SDG perspective
- Coordinates with the Japanese government & Tonga
- Provides banana paper printing media
- Prints books on inkjet printers
- Overall planning & coordination
Issues Addressed and Benefits
Activities and Approach
Discussions with JICA Tonga volunteers turned from hardware support in the form of printing to the idea of creating value from waste, and Epson is now helping to realize a circular economy in Tonga and Africa by using banana paper produced from the fibers in banana tree trunks (actually pseudo-stems), which are normally burned as waste, and using paper made from used office paper with Epson's PaperLab dry process office papermaking system.

Value Provided
- Gave tangible shape to the vision of JICA volunteers
- Provided SDG learning materials utilizing Epson's printing and papermaking technology
- Donated 1% of banana paper purchase price to environmental group
Mexico / Bee2Be: Endangered animal protection and economic activity
Epson is supporting the efforts of Mexican NPO Bee2Be to protect endangered Melipona bees. Bee2Be uses sales of honey to help fund its protection efforts. Epson contributes additional funding by working with designer Anna Fusoni to produce and sell scarves designed with bee motifs. This initiative also provides employment to local women.
Epson supports the production of scarves and other products with digital printing technology, contributing to the generation of steady income for local citizens and this NPO.
Cooperating Partners
- Bee2Be (NPO)
- Designer Anna Fusoni
- Local women
- Epson de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
Form of Involvement
- Secures funding for the protection of endangered bees and organizes programs to expand employment
- Designs scarves and other items of clothing with a bee motif
- Participates in local protection efforts & sales and acts as local guides
- Provides printers and technical support for digitally printed scarves, etc.
Issues Addressed and Benefits
Activities and Approach
We collaborated with others to provide new benefits to an initiative that lacks financial resources and people, thereby raising awareness and securing funding for an initiative that provides local jobs.

Value Provided
- Supported a sustainable conservation initiative that creates revenue
- Created a new business model by selling goods such as scarves designed with a bee motif
- Provided new jobs and employment