Local Communities

Cooperation with Local Communities

Tanzania / Providing Quality Education in Africa is the Goal for Epson and World Mobile


The world of education is struggling with numerous challenges. In developing countries, there are not enough places or opportunities for education because the infrastructure has not been built. In developed countries, there are not enough educators.

In November 2021, Epson Europe B.V. (EEB, Netherlands) and World Mobile Group (WM, UK) jointly launched a project to build quality educational environments in African schools. WM is providing network connectivity at schools and EEB is sending Epson inkjet printers and projectors. Through the partnership, we aim to realize an educational environment of high quality even for remote users and provide a fair, high-quality educational environment to all, so that no child is left behind.
The networks the project provides and the schools that serve as a public resource are at the heart of newly emerging communities and industries.


  • Electricity generation / Network carrier: World Mobile Group
  • Government: Tanzania Ministry of Education

Form of involvement

  • Supporting high-quality education using projectors and education from developed countries
  • Building networks to create new economic foundations that bring people together
Message from partner

Micky Watkins

World Mobile Group, CEO

"We do not believe that the opportunities to learn, earn and grow as a human beings should be dictated by the place of birth. We believe in equal opportunities for all.
We believe that working together is very beneficial to people in Africa because our combined efforts will allow children to be part of the connected world and to enjoy an enhanced educational experience due to Epson's technologies."

Issues addressed and benefits

Activities and Approach

Certain parts of the world do not have sufficient educational environments because of a lack of facilities, equipment, and educators. By providing quality educational environments using the power of IT, we are helping to train human resources who will be a foundation for future local development. The networks the project provides and the schools that serve as a public resource are at the heart of newly emerging communities and industries.

South Africa / Establish local economy and employment with giving digital printing skills.


Epson South Africa has established a new venue with great potential to support the local community.

Retrain and Reimagine is a new initiative that will look to support individuals to learn new skills. Unemployment is >32% in South Africa and this initiative will offer valuable knowledge and experience to the individual and more broadly benefit society.
Epson South Africa will seek to work with local companies and education institutions to develop this initiative. Through a partnership with Print SA, the printing industries federation of South Africa, Epson South Africa will have the ability to contribute to and sponsor individuals to attend learning programmes which will prepare them to enter the printing industry.


  • Students
  • Artists
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Business partners

Form of involvement

  • Sponsorship to attend learning programs
  • Free use of the Epson Commercial and Industrial Facility
  • Expert advice about specialized printing applications (signage, textile and photo printing, etc.)
  • Technical support for production workflows

Issues addressed and benefits

Activities and Approach

In a region suffering heavy unemployment, we support new businesses and creativity by providing students, young entrepreneurs and artists with learning programs, expert advice and technical support about specialized printing applications and production workflows.

Nagano / Collaborating with local government to host a triathlon


Local governments in Suwa and surrounding cities in Nagano Prefecture, along with local chambers of commerce and industry and the Nagano Prefecture Triathlon Association, partnered to organize and host the second Suwako 8Peaks Middle Triathlon, in June 2024. In addition to supporting race operations by using its GPS and sensor technology to monitor the athletes’ location and safety, Epson also provided them with reports containing motion analysis data on things such as their running form during the race. By providing the athletes not only with their own race times but also with data they can use to benchmark themselves against other competitors, Epson is helping to motivate the athletes to compete again the following year, enhancing the attractiveness of the region, and revitalizing the community.

Passing on the Beauty of Lake Suwa and the Yatsugatake Mountains to the Next Generation

Takuya Kojima

Executive Director Triathlon Organizing Committee

The Suwako 8Peaks Middle Triathlon was realized through the cooperation of the three municipalities that surround Lake Suwa and that want to restore the lake to its former glory and the three municipalities that spread along the foothills of the Yatsugatake mountain range and that want to make the area a Mecca for road biking. We intend to make the triathlon a tradition for passing on the beauty of Lake Suwa and the Yatsugatake Mountains to the next generation. We look forward to continuing to work with Epson to make the tournament a success.

Societal Issues and Value

Specific Activities and Approaches

We aim to promote health and improve the quality of life for people of all ages by providing them with a safe environment to engage in sports of all kinds, including triathlons, and by offering advice on how to improve their exercise habits.

Key Points of the Value Provision

  • Real-time monitoring of athletes
  • Visualization of athletes' exercise information to improve their skills
  • Improvement of operational efficiency through optimal staffing

Japan / Discussions with Local Citizens

Seiko Epson and Epson Group companies engage members of the communities in which they operate. We are working to build trust with these communities by explaining our business, environmental activities, and risk management system as well as by actively listening to their needs and issues.
Every year, we arrange to meet and talk with local officials, including the mayor of Fujimi, Nagano Prefecture, home to the Suwa Minami Plant and the Fujimi Plant. We provide information about our site wastewater treatment facilities, Epson PaperLab office papermaking systems, and Epson textile printers and textile printing technologies. We also discussed and shared ideas about driving regional and company growth.

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