
Epson set it's Vision for Mid-range CS & Quality and organizations are designed to achieve customer satisfaction, one of the core commitments included in Epson's Management Philosophy.

Vision for Mid-Range CS & Quality Initiatives

Epson implements CS & quality programs in line with its Mid-Range CS & Quality Action Policy, which stipulates its vision for creating products and services that please customers and earn their trust.


Earn strong trust from customers by taking innovative approaches to improving the quality of the overall product commercialization process and quickly achieving a level of quality that exceeds customer expectations.

Quality Assurance Program Organization

Epson carries out actions to assure quality across the Epson Group. A Quality Assurance Council and project teams solve shared issues and serious problems. In addition, we manage our quality assurance programs by periodically assessing and reviewing the state of quality and the progress of actions, reporting the results to the president, and formulating and implementing policies for further improvement.
