ESG Data
- Energy
- Greenhouse gas (GHG)
- Industrial waste
- Water
- Chemical substance
- Raw materials
- Domestic Epson group business site and company environmental data
*1 Link to Japanese page
- Development divisions/Operations divisions/Group companies
- Regional headquarters/sales/service subsidiaries and affiliates
- Manufacturing industry
- Collection (Finished Products, Cartridges)
- Violation of environmental regulations
- Environmental Education (Japan)
- Main online courses (Japan)
- Training by employee level
- Training Hours
- Quality control training (Japan)
- Licensed quality control training trainers
- Employees with disabilities (Japan)
- Workforce composition
- Employees by age group
- Employees by age and by gender (Global)
- Percentage of mid-career hires of regular workers to the number of hired regular workers
- Length of employment
- Average age
- Turnover rate
- Salary comparison by gender
- Workforce composition by employment type and by gender (Global)
- Composition of all managerial positions by gender (Global)
- Composition of managerial positions in revenue-generating functions by gender (Global)
- Annual total working hours per employee
- Paid leave
- Childcare leave trends
- Caregiver leave trends
- Result of employee survey
- Labor Union membership
- Collective bargaining agreements
- Employee coverage of the individual performance appraisals by MBO (Manegement by Objectives)
- Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage
- Occupational injury accident frequency (Global)
- Occupational injury accident seriousness (Global)
- Supplier conference for CSR
- Annual evaluation
- Detailed CSR evaluation
- Conflict minerals survey
- Each mineral data
- Corporate citizenship
- Board of directors