Stakeholder Engagement
To guide its businesses toward solving societal issues, Epson believes it is important to understand and reflect the expectations of stakeholders in its strategies while also striving to create sustainable competitiveness and resilience as a company and build relationships based on trust.
Stakeholder engagement*1 is an important bridge that connects Epson with stakeholders. Epson provides the following three types of value to all stakeholders:
We contribute to society by focusing on the priority areas of the environment, education and culture, and life and community in line with the following three basic principles:
- Contributing to the SDGs
- Achieving sustainability and enriching communities
- Developing programs rooted in local communities around the world
Stakeholder Engagement Objectives
Social support for sustainability (value sharing)
Co-create sustainable social value that helps solve societal issues
Create a working environment that contributes to job satisfaction

Create products and services that delight customers and earn their trust
Build strong communication that leads to effective business operations and helps investors make decisions
Foster mutually beneficial relationships with local communities in countries and regions where we operate through programs rooted in those communities
Build good partnerships based on mutual trust and the principles of fairness, coexistence and co-prosperity
*1 Companies-stakeholder discussions Engagement enables companies to understand the interests of stakeholders and influences the company operations and decisions.
To proactively engage investors and individual shareholders in order to build strong communication that leads to sound business operations and investment decisions.
To further strengthen the disclosure of information and means of interaction in response to market demand.
To create products and services that delight customers and earn their trust and, moreover, to try to create value by strengthening communication and working jointly with customers toward further improvement.

We seek to maintain mutually beneficial, trusting relationships with our suppliers, as they are essential partners in realizing our Management Philosophy. At our home base of Nagano and at our major overseas production sites, we hold annual supplier conferences to share our business and procurement policies. Members of Epson's executive management team endeavor to strengthen supplier cooperation by listening directly to supplier concerns and deepening mutual understanding.
We also evaluate suppliers every year and support their efforts to improve to help fulfill our responsibility to society.

Our employees underpin everything we do. Accordingly, we are effecting changes in the organizational culture to create a dynamic, vibrant environment in which to work.
- Hold discussions to encourage free and open communication
- Perform organizational climate assessments and mental health assessments
- Issue messages from the president and collect opinions and thoughts from employees
Solving social issues and achieving sustainability require collaboration with partners who have their own fields of expertise. So, we are strengthening co-creation and building broad partnerships.
- Pararesin Consortium
- Kita-Kyushu innovation center
- Smart City Aizuwakamatsu
- Tokyo Shibuya Point 0 open platform
- Shinshu University (small-scale recycling living innovation), etc.
In addition to traditional donations and support, we will continue programs that lead to sustainable coexistence in collaboration with communities and organizations around the world.
- Support for the Tobitate Japan Scholarship Program, Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival, museums, and photo contest
- Sponsorship of Matsumoto Yamaga FC, community cleanups, festivals, Lake Suwa fireworks
- Assistance for students and development of local human resources through the Epson International Scholarship Foundation and Epson Information Science Vocational School
Engage in value creation activities with various groups to contribute to social sustainability
- Wild Bird Society, tree planting, coral transplantation, environmental education for children, ink cartridge joint collection
- Fantas Aquarium, blood drives, and support for sports for persons with disabilities (intellectual and physical) and local hospitals