Notes on Use of the Supplier Whistleblowing System

Suppliers are asked to report any real or suspected misconduct or legal, regulatory, ethical, or human rights violations relating to the Epson Group's operations or involving Epson officers or employees.
After confirming the following contents, please click "I agree" or "I do not agree" at the bottom of this page.

Who can use this whistleblowing system?

Any supplier or other business partner that has business transactions with Epson Group companies in Japan, and any officer or employee (including contract employees, non-regular employees, and dispatch workers) of such a supplier or business partner can use this reporting channel.

Management of information and protection of whistleblowers

  • The personal data of whistleblowers will be used only for the purpose of investigating the facts surrounding reports. Personal data will not be used for other purposes without individual consent.
  • The content of reports (including the personal data of whistleblowers) will be handled carefully by an organization that is not involved in the relevant business transactions and will be disclosed only to the extent necessary for fact-checking and investigation purposes.
  • We prohibit any detrimental or retaliatory treatment against whistleblowers or their employers for having made a report.


Reports may be submitted using one's real name or anonymously. However, please understand that if reports are submitted anonymously, the Company will not be able to contact you to obtain additional information, may not be able to conduct an adequate investigation or take appropriate corrective action, and may not be able to notify you of the results of an investigation.
Please refrain from reporting for the purpose of slandering or libeling individuals, or for other fraudulent purposes.

The contents of consultations and reports may contain personal data. When making a report, please see the information below.

Handling of personal data associated with use of the whistleblowing system

1. How personal data is collected

Seiko Epson Corporation ("the Company") will acquire personal data from whistleblowers when they use the whistleblowing system.
"Personal information" in this case is defined as company name, department, title, whistleblower's name, telephone number, e-mail address, and other information that can be used alone or in combination to identify an individual who makes a report.

2. Use of personal data that is collected

The Company will use personal data that is collected for the following purposes.

  • Checking the facts related to violations reported against compliance or human rights
  • Reporting the results of investigations to whistleblowers

Personal data will not be used for any purpose other than those stated above without the consent of the whistleblower.

3. Sharing of personal data

The Company may share personal data with subsidiary companies for the purposes stated above.
Names, e-mail addresses, and other collected personal data that can be used to easily identify individuals will not be shared.
The subsidiary companies with which we will share information are those in which we hold more than 50% of the shares directly or indirectly and which are subsidiaries related to the information you provided.
The personal data protection officer whose contact information is provided below in "4. Contact information for grievances, etc." is responsible for the management and processing of personal data when it is shared in the Epson Group.

4. Contact information for grievances, etc.

The Company keeps personal data that is associated with the supplier whistleblowing system. If you wish to know which items of your personal data are used and the scope of use, please contact the personal data protection officer. After confirming the identity of the person making the request, the Company will promptly respond within reason.

Personal Data Protection Officer
Compliance Office
Seiko Epson Corporation
3-3-5, Owa, Suwa-shi, Nagano 392-8502
TEL: +81 266-52-3131 (switchboard)

* The above contact information is strictly for inquiries regarding the handling of personal data collected in association with the supplier whistleblowing system. For inquiries related to Epson products or their use, please check the contact information for the particular product. We apologize for the inconvenience

5. Personal data management and disposal

The Company will properly manage the personal data it collects from whistleblowers and dispose of it after use.

Regarding "Handling of personal data associated with the use of the whistleblowing system"

* If you click "I Agree", you will be directed to the Global Stakeholders Hotline dedicated site. The operation of this dedicated site and the work of receiving whistleblowing are entrusted to TSUHO Support Center Co., Ltd., an independent third party.
According to the contract with our company, TSUHO Support Center Co., Ltd. is obligated to maintain the confidentiality of confidential information, even after the contract has terminated, and is prohibited from using confidential information for any purpose other than that intended.

The company code you need to enter in Step 2 is "epson".