Wearable Products Business
Utilize craftsmanship and co-create solutions that utilize sensing technologies to enrich diverse lifestyles

In addition to our own brands (Orient Star, Orient), we are engaged in business with Seiko Watch and the external sales of movements. We operate our business by maximizing the use of our craftsmanship and our technological assets to achieve sustainable growth.
Orient Star / Orient
Watches that are pleasant to wear, a delight to see, and a source of joyful connection.
Seiko business
Planning/Sales: Seiko Watch Corporation
Watch Movements
Unique movements for solar and quartz watches
Main Solutions
Delivering Products with Emotional Value by Utilizing Our Craftsmanship and Our Technological Assets
By leveraging our low-power devices, automated manufacturing equipment, processing and exterior finishing technologies, and craftsmanship, we deliver products with high emotional value that enhance diverse lifestyles at affordable prices. Also, for Epson-owned brand products, we are actively transitioning from battery-operated analog quartz products to those with higher environmental performance.