Expanding the benefits by weaving the show into lessons

Fantas Car loan

Mr. Masaru Abe, Junior High School Teacher

Municipal Sapporo Hokusho Special-Needs Education School

To prepare for the Fantas Car experience, the school planned and held a lesson utilizing an elaborate imaging experience, creating spaces where you could be enveloped by compelling images, leisurely watch the images up close, and feel the sound vibrations while watching the images. The entire school was able to enjoy this precious experience. The children were intrigued by the vivid images, and some of the parents whose children have visual challenges were happy to see them trying to follow the fish with their eyes. Faculty members said that it was relaxing just to watch.

Municipal Sapporo Hokusho Special-Needs Education School

A special-needs school for children with multiple severe disabilities

2023 Fantas Car loan* 79 visitors