Enjoying not only the images but also the sensation of swaying
Fantas Aquarium
Ms. Atsuko Arabori, Senior Staff, Administrative Department
Hirakata General Hospital for Developmental Disorders
Since I had experienced the Fantas Car first, I thought I had already experienced a magical world, but it couldn’t compare to the Fantas Aquarium.
People had a great time! Images were projected on the walls but there was also an area where they were projected on swaying sheets of cloth. It made you feel as if you were swaying, too, and a lot of people reached out to the fish.
Just seeing facility users and staff enjoying themselves was enough for me. Please continue to deliver this experience and excitement to as many people as you can.
Thank you for making this a special time.

Hirakata General Hospital for Developmental Disorders
A facility and hospital for people with both severe intellectual disabilities and severe physical disabilities
The Fantas Aquarium visited in 2023 and was enjoyed by 1,259 people.